
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


I have decided to write this blog to fill you in on the reason why God has put us in Swaziland. It is really quite a simple concept but probably not the reason you are thinking. I know if I were you I’d be thinking that the most important thing for us to do here is win souls, bring people to Christ, and get them into the Kingdom and although I am not denying that it is a necessary to do it is definitely not what Swaziland needs. One of the problems with this country is that it is over Christianized. There are so many missionaries and Christians here trying to pound the good news into the people that the whole country already knows the gospel forwards and backwards. They know what to say and what to do to make it look like they are truly walking with Christ. There is a statistic about Africa that says the average Southern African has been saved over eight times. Eight! If that is the case then why is there so much crap happening here? Why is this country plagued with rape, murder, and sickness when everyone is apparently a God loving Christian?   

Our belief is that although the Swazi’s know what to say to they don’t know what to do. They don’t know how to live like Christ and be his disciples, or at least take the word that they have heard and turn it into action, so we have made that our goal. We want to help inspire and rise up a generation of Swazi disciples so that they can go out into their country and make a change. We pray that by their example the people will see and realise they can rise above their circumstances, poverty, and culture and step out of the trap that has held them for so many years. You see, besides Jesus only Swazi’s are going to be able to save Swaziland. We can help but that is as far as we can go.

So please pray! Pray that our ministry will not be in vain and that the people will be ready to hear what we have to tell them. Pray for the relationships we make and the ones we are going to make. And lastly pray that our hearts will be in it all the way until May. That we won’t become complacent but that we go in everyday with the same attitude we had at the very beginning.

He will restore,


3 responses to “Why We Are Here.”

  1. Hi, Jillian. Wow! That is a really different problem to have, but it’s reminiscent of here in the west, isn’t it? Every one is Christianized, but not everyone knows and trusts and relies on God as their Father or Jesus as their Saviour. I’ll be praying for the situation and you and your team to be the salt and light in Swaziland. May God bless you and refresh you everyday through His Word and His followers. Love you.


  2. hi, jillian-
    interesting concept! looks like you have your work cut out for you in descipling and teaching God’s Word. i think this is what john was getting at when he wrote: “He that saith he abideth in Him, ought himself so to walk even as He walked.” IJohn 2:6. God has been teaching you so much! praying for you!

  3. Hey my sommerset sis!
    (Francois and Elsa say ‘HI!’ by the way.)
    I love this.
    I love your heart.
    And you’re right.. and the cool thing is, the way that Christ will win over Swazi, is WITH you. As He dwells in you, He is the one loving, holding, laughing, crying, playing, praying, walking, teaching.. you get where I’m going with this. So there is MUCH you can do, you can daily offer yourself to the Creator as a place of residence so He can get down to work! 🙂
    Be the hands and feet girl, and persevere in your surrender.
    much love!