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We are in Haiti!

Hey everyone!

We made it to Haiti safely, praise God. I’ll be trying to blog and update but you can keep track with my whole team of 44 people by this address:

Pray also for me, that
whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will
fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an
ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I
should.”-Eph 6:19-20.

Glory to God,



  1. hi, jill-
    great to hear from you. we’re getting up dates from your mom and dad as well! hope you had a good reunion with your fellowworkers from africa! we’re praying that the “Haiti experience” will be a real blessing in your life!
    talking to sandy last night. he’s getting real excited about his up-coming trip to kenya! we’re praying that God will use this trip mightily in his life!
    wanna hear something neat? when i attended l’université sainte anne, i attended emmanuel baptist church in comeauville. they are like our church, except they serve “rappie pie” at their fellowships instead of sandwiches! they have a concert next saturday night(i may attend) to raise money for a team of young people who are soon to go to…Haiti! you may meet some of them! comment votre français?
    we’re getting lots of rain here, and it’s keeping cold!
    finally-pray for rebecca kirk. she will be graduating soon. be nice if she would come to Christ!
    looking forward to your next blog!
    Ephesians 6:10

  2. Jill, so glad to hear you arrived in Haiti safely. Just read the blog(s) on Race for the World, and I am encouraged by the enthsiasm of you and your team. It’s exciting to imagine what God will do in your heart as you serve Him in Haiti. God bless you, girl, as you let God continue to mold you into His likeness. You are in my prayers often.
    Love, Debbie

    P.S. Just read this today: Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed.

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