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Ministry Update

Ok so just wanted to give you an update about my ministries; Algoa Frail Care Centre and Intyatyambo Baby Care Centre (Virginia’s Creche).

Algoa Frail Care Centre

Algoa is going so well. We are starting to build relationships with a lot of the patients and some of the nurses and it makes going each time so much easier. We do a singing program with four girls and some of the boys once a week which includes singing theray and dancing; they love it. Sara on my ministry team leads it. Other days we visit the wards and just sit and talk to some of the residents, if the weather is nice we will take the mobile ones outside and play on the swings, and somedays we play with blocks and bubbles. We are also in the process of painting a mural in the Bambino ward made out of really simple shapes and basic colors.

On Monday we had a staff appreciation day which went realy well. They were actually having a staff day anyway cause they were giving out employee of the month and special awards so we just added a bit to it. We made them cookies, brought candie and wrote each staff member (105) a personal note of encouragemet with a bible verse (Matthew 25:40). It was great to puor into them a bit beause they do so much work all the time.

“And the Kind shall answer ans say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethern , ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40

Intyatyambo Baby Care Centre

Virginia’s is going great. We are really getting close to the kids and to Virginia and Monica. There is nothing better than having a little black baby fall asleep in your arms especially when a few days before that baby cried when you even went near her because she was scared of white people. At Virginia’s we just do whatever needs done usually that includes washing baby blankets and clothes, changing nappies(they don’t say diaper in Africa), sweeping up the creche, picking up a wasing machine from the next town or playing with beautiful babies. We love going to the creche becuae the kids are so stinkin cute we can’t get enough of them. I want to take them all home with me.

“Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as the little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3