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So many believe that it is the love that grows, but it is the knowing that grows and love simply expands to contain it. Love is just the skin of knowing. 
                           – The Shack by William P. Young (read it)

I believe this ststement to be totally true and I can see its reflection in my life when I look especially at Algoa and our ministry there. Going into it we didn’t know anything at all about any of the 150 kids, about how we needed to treat them and how they would react to us. It was difficult because it seemed like a blank ministry, like there was no way that we could make a difference there because there was no way we could talk to each individual and see what they liked. Stupid, I know but we come from a mindset that says we only accomplish something if there is a positive visible outcome. A mindset that says sitting for three hours beside a bed talking to someone who doesn’t even seem to hear you is pointless and sometimes it honestly does feel that way. Its hard and draining work but thankfully God has this way of giving us His beautiful eyes to see His beautiful creation the way He does and He totally did that for our ministry team. Now when we go our hearts break for the kids and their situations because we see each of them as individuals created beautifully by God with funny personalities and traits. With God’s eyes we can see that completely immobile Meghan loves when you scratch her on the head or that little Jerome loves when you tickle him on the face with your hair. We see that Michelle loves giving hugs, that blowing bubbles makes Thambisa really excited, and that Wanda always wants to go outside no matter what the weather. The list goes on with something different for each.

It’s like the quote said, ” it is the knowing that grows and love simply expands to contain it.” The more that we go there and the more we learn about each individual the more we seem to love them. Not because our love increases but because the more we learn about each the more there is to love. Its amazing really to think about how much God loves us like He knows absolutely everything about us. Everything! Imagine how big His love has to stretch to contain all that knowing, He’s amazing.

Read this: He loves me:because He loves me.
                                because He loves me.
                                because He loves me.
                                because He loves me.
                                because He loves me.                                                 
                                because He knows everything about me.
                                because that’s just the way He is.